Just Let Me -- G -- Indoctrinate You!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

It's What Happens Under a Forced Marriage Thing

Dear America,

"We want to congratulate the Israeli people for the democratic process for the election that they just engaged in with all the parties that engaged in that election. As you know now, the hard work of coalition building begins. Sometimes that takes a couple of weeks. And we're going to give space to the formation of that coalition government and we're not going to weigh in one way or another except to say that the United States and Israel have a historic and close relationship and that will continue going forward," 

so lamented the White House aide, David Simas, courtesy of CNN through The Weekly Standard.

"we're not going to weigh in one way or another..." he said.

One thing's for sure -- we're definitely not going to congratulate one of our closest allies, Bibi Netanyahu, for his resounding re-election.

The second thing is highly suspect...

The American based One Voice Movement, now under fire for spending taxpayer funds for playing political gamesmanship in Israel, intent upon undermining Bibi's Likud group, is linked to the Obama administration; One Voice Movement -- as a recipient of almost $350,000 in recent grants from the Obama administration’s State Department – had violated its tax-exempt status when it began backing the virulently anti-Netanyahu Victory 15 campaign in Israel earlier that month.

Having worked under the radar since 2013, questions are finally beginning to surface from inside Washington.  Senator Ted Cruz --  alongside Rep. Lee Zeldin -- penned a letter (January 29) to the State Department inquiring about the legality of the 501(c)3's political activity, was recently interviewed @ FoxNews.com and made this stunning observation (or is it a question?):

What does it say about the President of the United States when he’s more concerned about undermining and attacking the prime minister of Israel than he is standing up to the mortal threat a nuclear Iran poses?


This president was against Israel before he was for it -- it was a forced marriage; but with the actions of the One Voice Movement, he almost had this ball and chain gone for good.  Happy endings here we come again...

[and for more on this, go to Fox, here]

BUT ...What does it say?

What it says is that our current administration plays lip-service with our "close" diplomatic relations with Israel.  

Our "close relationship" -- David Simas --  couldn't be any further apart.

Our "close relationship" began to show strain from the moment this president  ordered Israel to accept Palestinian demands in a peace deal as he pledged American support for human rights in the Middle East...

(circa 2011)

Putting it mildly, our "close relationship" has been nothing short of  uncomfortable -- from leaving Bibi all alone at the dinner table (circa 2010)  ...to the downright snubbing the Prime Minister's visit to Congress just two weeks ago -- when pleading on behalf of the safety of Israel just as the United States  is in the midst of encouraging a more closer, kinder, diplomatic relationship with terrorists -- The Islamic Republic of Iran.   What?

.....as we collectively ask ourselves "what does it say?"  makes a sudden comeback.

The Obama Administration has been undermining and straining this relationship from day one to day 2251...(that's just ball-parking btw).

It's as if the "close relationship" is merely staying together on behalf of the kids, and we all know how awkward that can be for the obligatory reunions, holidays, and birthdays -- let alone the every day ...from family dinner to dealing with conflicting ideas of child rearing.

Needless to say, it's going to get uglier.  No use even hiding the animosity anymore, right New York Times?

So here we are -- having done a fairly bang up job self-destructing what was once formidable and sound..... built upon common ideals and dreams for the future in front of the entire world -- ground zero requires diplomatic relations to begin again, only same as it ever was.

[The reality is, Obama and Bibi never had a chance....that being the one-sided, ideological and callused opinion of One Barack Hussein Obama.]

I'm pretty sure having another baby is out of the question.

Make it a Good Day, G

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