Just Let Me -- G -- Indoctrinate You!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dear America,

dovetailing on yesterday's refrain, 'I'M NOT BUYING IT.'

the whole thing, from start to finish, nothing is what it seems.

as today, the west coast awakens to the White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs, already piping up saying,

"[U.S.] deplores and condemns the violence that is taking place in Egypt..."

"We are deeply concerned about attacks on the media and peaceful demonstrators..."

"We repeat our strong call for restraint."

 peaceful demonstrators?  really?  burning cars, looting stores and stealing ancient artifacts?  that is peaceful demonstration?  perhaps a cliff notes lesson from the Tea Party is in dire need...

That, my friends, is Egypt's "youth" propped up and hopped up by a radical uplift from the Muslim Brotherhood...who, figuratively speaking, are not acting on behalf of brotherhood everywhere, freedom for all, in peaceful protest....can you say caliphate?

The guy they want in -- and won't settle for anything less -- is Mohammed El Baradei; they have been working on him, to get in, for years (since documented around 2003).

And hey, posing an international contradiction to what our president made perfectly clear in his evening address last night -- if it's not the role of America to forge our ways, or determine Egypt's leaders, than why did we send an envoy over there in the first place (or was it the second, or the third, conspiracy theorists wanna know)?

Ah yes, but that is just the Chicago way...

First off, let me just say, for me, G, I have serious doubts that all this has just happened in the last week or so.

Remember when he said this...early in his presidency...while on his great apology tour (for America) in the Middle East...

"...we have a very large Christian population -- we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values."

That was just the beginning of his total debunking and rebuking of our American Judeo-Christian heritage.

And just for the record, it is a fact, not fiction -- our Judeo-Christianity is not just some story passed on through generations; our founders took the lessons of the past, universal truths dating back to the time of Christ, of fallen empires large and small, of timeless, ageless principles, to create the kind of government most likely to succeed in America-- bestowing upon this brand new world a system designed distinctively and specific to the values and characteristics and moral conscience solely rested upon the word of God, the teachings of the Gospel, the Psalms from history written by the saints, the aged men of Aristotle and Cicero -- and yes, some of these aged men neither Christian or Jew, who still recognized the Natural Law back behind each and every good thing, seen and unseen. MOREOVER, it was a firm belief weaved into the very fabric of our daily life through and through, as a people; we were grounded in our faith above all else. but let's move on...

So, when Obama was on tour, we, the people, remarked about his unusual display of disdain for America ...over and over and over again; while today, it would seem, we have forgotten all about it.

Remember the speech he gave in Cairo?

It included some real posturing, nation building, if you will... a certain meddling into determining other peoples not our own issues, involving religion and land deals no less...

"...[Gaza] But if we see this conflict only from one side or the other, then we will be blind to the truth: the only resolution is for the aspirations of both sides to be met through two states, where Israelis and Palestinians each live in peace and security...The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements."

so says the king who doesn't want to get involved with other peoples not our own issues.

SO getting back to today, yesterday, last week...and the inherent Chicago way...

You have a sit down; all parties involved gather at the table and have a talking to -- not by phone, across company lines (somebody might be listening, you know) -- and certainly not in writing,  by email,  Facebook or Twitter, as modern that they may be -- no, you have a sit down; face to face; as that's how it's done, the Chicago way.

Oh, and by the way, sit downs are usually meant for a one sided conversation (details, shmeetails); somebody has to sit down and listen.  It is a conversation off the record and behind closed doors, and only those in the room know anything about it...meddle meddle toil and trouble...

not one to get in the middle of other nations problems...when has America been about that? -- the immediate years following our birth excluded.

Now would be a good time for "a new beginning" -- and title of the president's speech to Cairo two years ago.

Meddling seems to be one of our biggest issues -- whether it was for the common good, or not...the reality of butting out seems to elude us every time.

SO who's to say our meddling with Mubarek didn't begin, say, two years ago?

While the overnight mayhem -- immediately following Mubarek's arm twisting to step down sit down -- doesn't appear to be the actions of brotherhood and decency, and quite the contrary.

But the White House isn't upset with the 'youth on the streets', no, not one bit; the White House, it would seem, has hand picked the agitators, admonishing those preserving what is left of Egypt's democracy, and has targeted the purveyors of vicious attacks as anyone against "the media and peaceful protesters."

but we're not saying a word...we don't want to get involved, you know.

Obama spoon fed us -- and anyone else who was listening -- great rhetoric last night;  and don't get me wrong, he did say all the right things...it was yummy:

"...we oppose violence and commend the military...
we believe in the universal values --
freedom of assembly...speech...access to information...
we have spoken...
the need for change...
status quo is not sustainable...
must be at the will of the people...
this is one of those times...
only Egyptian people can do that...
begin now...
lead to election...
free and fair...
grounded...in...democratic principles...
continue to extend the hand of friendship...
to the young people I hear your voices..."

again...he said all the right things;

but what was said at the sit down?

what was said at the sit down behind closed doors two years ago?

where was all this interest in the Egyptian people two week's ago?  you know, before the Muslim Brotherhood devised a method to get the word out -- taking advantage of Facebook and Twitter -- dishing out the fodder for the perfect storm, naturally and 'organically' offering the makings for a massive revolt against Mubarek, feeding the hearts and minds of the oppressed with propaganda to simply not buy into it anymore?

Two years ago, Obama spoke to the city of Cairo saying,

"America does not presume to know what is best for everyone, just as we would not presume to pick the outcome of a peaceful election. But I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice; government that is transparent and doesn't steal from the people; the freedom to live as you choose. Those are not just American ideas, they are human rights, and that is why we will support them everywhere."

punch line for the day, "government that is transparent and doesn't steal from the people" oh but I digress...

Here's the whole speech -- more amusing now than it was two years ago -- and yet, freaky all at the same time (you know, knowing what we know now).

For more on the conspiracy behind the conspiracy thoughts, please go to The Daily Bell today...perspective leading us down the merry trail of confusion, frustration, sensation and steeped with elements of truth, a world view not easily found without knowing where to look in the first place, while tirelessly seeking to answer the questions, that, for most of us, never really want the real answer, if ever.

Jumping from one hot spot in my head to another, it is funny when an organic uprising comes up in another part of the world, how the president praises it as if it comes from a higher calling to affect change -- to fundamentally transform something gone terribly awry.  funny that the feelings aren't mutual when he makes startling apparent his observations about the peaceful demonstrations of townhall folk and tea party enthusiasts.  huh? what's up with that?

It's cool to rage a revolution with a heart -- unless you just so happen to be John Q. American Public, and mainly, but not entirely, white middle class?  Is that it, Mr. President?  Is that when you simply say, I'm not buying it, when it looks too much like white bread, and not enough brown, black, Egyptian, downtrodden or oppressed by societal norms?  I am trying awfully hard not to assume here, so feel free to reply.

Here's someone mainstream media will never introduce to you...talk about breaking all assumptions...check out this blogger, Lloyd Marcus.and that's all will say about that.

Now, I believe much of the unrest in Egypt is genuine -- I do wholeheartedly support a regime change, as thirty years under Mubarek, coupled with the strong arm of the military, is decades too long (heck, why do you think he, himself, is finally ponying up with the dangle of term limits -- hilarious stuff) and then again,

much of it is mass produced, orchestrated, manipulated, and not without much of it coming from the good ole US of A...and that doesn't make this girl very happy.  Mr. President, you say you don't want to tell other nations what to do, but then you send an envoy?  You have a sit down?  You organize around the ideas creating the environment to make change, like beginning "now"  -- not much room for negotiation when you put it like that.

little help...

For kicks and giggles, meander over to the Chief Organizer Blog to find out how you, too, can get more involved...rise up citizens for working families...even in Egypt...no, hardly scary at all to have Wade Rathke reaching out from the bottom of his beating, bleeding heart blog for the goodness of working families everywhere. nothing scary about that whatsoever.

Propaganda will always be nothing more than propaganda; but the truth, if we ever get down to the bottom of it -- or, if we could only somehow surrender to it -- now THAT, has a way of naturally and organically creating the conditions to set us free -- truly free; if only we could find a way to live and let live by the truth, freely, and fairly, like the way nature, and Nature's God, intended -- the way our founders grew to recognize and honor  -- the way our limited powers within a framework of limited government was  originally designed -- wow, what a wonderful world that would be.

The framers never wanted us to meddle into other peoples not our own issues; we broke our own rule; and a mere five second pause on recent history would tell us something has been not quite right for quite some time.

We, the people, just haven't paid much attention to it..until now (you know, with the information age, and all).

The thing is -- and finally making my real point of the day -- we have no idea how many sit downs behind closed doors have compromised our first values, squandering our resources and investments to no end.  We have no idea how many agreements have been made with dictators far and wide; while all the while, the elites of this world have done a peaceful takeover of our entire American foundation -- speaking of the growing number of private, sit down meetings, occurring in places of opportunity, like the Davos meetings, or by personal invitation only, looking more like peaceful assembly of the chosen ones, like the Bilderberg Group, boldly incorporating clandestine arrangements of people, entire nations, and thinking nothing of it --

-- while we, the people, have no idea just how much or how far or how long it's been going on.

Definition of oppressed seems so arbitrary when you put it like that, no?

This is exactly what the framers wanted to avoid -- a people's growing apathy and disconnect to the truth AND more important, living by that truth in every way; and you know times are bad, when even our corruption is being corrupted.

Mubarek's fall started some time ago, hard to be sure when; it was just made to look like an overnight sensation.

But call me funny,  I don't trust anyone who arranges sit downs with dictators, especially under the dark of night hand carrying a full set of peaceful hidden agendas, paving the way for just another leader without a democratic bone in his body to take over, who is uncomfortably connected and fanatically endorsed by a radical Islamic extremist group, a.k.a Muslim Brotherhood, an organization currently banned from freely operating within the Egyptian city limits...yup, call me funny.  even a conspiracy theorist if you must...ask me if I care...go ahead...ask me...

Now G, that is simply enough...

oh where oh where is my song when I really need it...ahhh there she is...rolling in the deep...
gotta sit down for this, feeling dizzy...take me away, Adele...

Make it a Good Day, G

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